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7 February 2025

python: values, functions, currying, partial application and eta-reduction

In the previous post we talked about values, functions, currying, partial application and eta-reduction in haskell. This post shows how the same can be done in python, be it not as nice.

values and functions

a = 5

Here the symbol a is assigned with the value 5.

a = 2 + 3

Here the symbol a is assigned with the result of calculating 2 + 3, which also is 5.

def sum(x,y):
    return x + y

a = sum(2,3)

Here a function sum is defined that takes two arguments and returns the sum of those two numbers. The value a is assigned to the result of calling sum with arguments 2 and 3, which calculates 2 + 3, which is still 5.


def addThree(x): 
    return sum(3,x)

Here we define a new function addThree that is defined as calling our earlier sum function with 3 and x.

Python does not support partial application out of the box, so we need to rewrite our sum function.

def curriedSum(a):
    return lambda b: a + b 

a = curriedSum(3)(2)

As you can see now partial application is possible for our new curriedSum function.

def addThree(x): 
    return curriedSum(3)(x)

a = addThree(2)

Here we have rewritten addThree using curriedSum in curried form. This means that sum is first called with 3 as argument, and the result of that is a new function that takes only one argument and we call that function with argument x. In general calling a function with many arguments can be seen as calling that function with the first argument, then the result of that with the second argument, etc.

partial application

curriedSum(3) is called a partial application of curriedSum with 3. The result of that partial application is a function that takes only one argument and returns that argument + 3.


If you think about it, curriedSum(3) is exactly what our addThree function is supposed to do. Because of this we can simplify the definition with a process that is called eta-reduction.

addThree = curriedSum(3)

a = addThree(2)

Here we define a new name addThree for the function curriedSum(3) which is the function which takes one argument and returns that argument incremented by 3. As you can see, a will still be 5.

# sum = (+)

This is not possible in python as + is not curried.

# addthree = (+ 3)

This is also not possible in python, as + is still not curried.


It is definitely possible to use these concepts in python, but it is not as nice as in haskell.

tags: haskell